J Bunney

J Bunney is believed never to have come to New Zealand but to have based his paintings on popular works by artists who had visited the country. If, as is probable, he is John Bunney, he was an English painter, who exhibited at the Royal Academy for many years in the mid-19th century, and who assisted Ruskin with architectural drawings in France.

We recently had a customer in the UK who purchased this set of prints and sent us the following email "I am his great-grandson; 'John Bunney' was son of a Sea Captain but never in NZ nor how he came to make these drawings so far as my sister and I know; he was John Wharlton Bunney (1828-1882); mainly a water-colourist not painter; not a frequent exhibitor at the RA if at all; not at all an assistant to Ruskin save recording important buildings in Northern Italy and predominantly in Venice and not in France. Please pass this info onto the Museum holding the originals. My sister may be able to provide a fuller biography, contactable via me. JNB".

Auckland 1858 by J. Bunney

Auckland 1858 by J. Bunney


Dunedin 1858 by J. Bunney

Dunedin 1858 by J. Bunney


Port Lyttelton 1858 by J. Bunney

Port Lyttelton 1858 by J. Bunney


New Plymouth 1858 by J. Bunney

New Plymouth 1858 by J. Bunney
