Canvas Art Prints

Canvas Art Prints

Art prints on canvas are now a large category of wall art at New Zealand Fine Prints. Canvas art prints were a very popular format overseas for nearly a decade before a good range of NZ art became available printed directly onto canvas. The prices shown for canvas prints by NZ artists are for the print delivered to you in a very sturdy poster roll anywhere in New Zealand or around the world in perfect condition. Framed canvas prints are delivered in a box with the canvas pre-stretched onto an internal stretcher frame ready to hang on your wall like the illustration on the left. The price for this is given on the main image page, just check the box that says "stretch?" or call us on 0800 800 278 for a quote if we haven't listed this option yet. To order any of our canvas prints framed ready to hang on the wall or if you have any questions you can also phone us on 0800 800 ART.

Are all prints at available transferred onto canvas? No. However many fine art paper prints shown in these popular artists' collections are now also available in canvas in the same size Diana Adams, Jason Kelly, Alison Gilmour and Peter Morath. Please call us on 0800 800 278 or Email Us to find out if any particular print is available on canvas or if you have any questions - we are here to help!
Adorned Orator by Jane Crisp

Adorned Orator by Jane Crisp


She of the Kowhai Tree by Jane Crisp

She of the Kowhai Tree by Jane Crisp


Untethered Soul by Jane Crisp

Untethered Soul by Jane Crisp


Harakeke Shoreline Canvas Print by Diana Adams

Harakeke Shoreline Canvas Print by Diana Adams


Standing Guard Canvas Print by Kathryn Furniss

Standing Guard Canvas Print by Kathryn Furniss


Just the Two of Us by Kathryn Furniss

Just the Two of Us by Kathryn Furniss


West Coast Nikau canvas print by Ira Mitchell

West Coast Nikau canvas print by Ira Mitchell


Hey Tui Tui Canvas Print by Sue Skellern

Hey Tui Tui Canvas Print by Sue Skellern


Fishes of NZ Canvas Wall Chart

Fishes of NZ Canvas Wall Chart


Manuka Chain Canvas Art Print by Kathryn Furniss

Manuka Chain Canvas Art Print by Kathryn Furniss


Mt Ngāuruhoe Canvas Print by Irina Velman

Mt Ngāuruhoe Canvas Print by Irina Velman


Kowhai Canvas Wall Chart

Kowhai Canvas Wall Chart


Northern Rata Botanical Poster - Canvas Vintage Wall Chart

Northern Rata Botanical Poster - Canvas Vintage Wall Chart

NZ$129.95 Last 1

NZ Botanical Poster - Fern Wall Chart

NZ Botanical Poster - Fern Wall Chart


NZ Botanical Poster - Canvas Wall Chart “Manuka”

NZ Botanical Poster - Canvas Wall Chart “Manuka”

NZ$129.95 Last 1

Tongariro Panorama Canvas Print by Diana Adams

Tongariro Panorama Canvas Print by Diana Adams


Te Henga Canvas Print by Irina Velman

Te Henga Canvas Print by Irina Velman
