
1770 Chart of New Zealand by Captain James Cook
Print Code: 8287
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Print of Antique New Zealand Map
Map size in millimetres: 380 x 480This is the map to own if you like antique maps of New Zealand. Beautifully engraved by J. Bayly in England from Cook’s charts made in 1769 and 1770. This map was originally published in the official account of Captain Cook’s voyage. Superbly republished in a small edition by Thorndon Fine Prints. It is a remarkable tribute to Cook’s navigation and charting skills, the only major inaccuracies being Stewart Island shown as a peninsula and Bank’s Peninsula as an island.
Like this Captain Cook map? You will find more New Zealand maps like this 1770 chart of NZ in the following collections at New Zealand's specialist art print store:
Captain Cook Maps & Charts
Antique New Zealand Maps