Large Prints

Large Prints

Large prints are useful to visually anchor a space. A big artwork can completely change the character of a room easily and inexpensively. We have listed in this gallery all our large prints (loosely defined as prints with image sizes with a surface area greater than 6 sheets of standard A4 paper) that we currently have in stock at New Zealand Fine Prints. Click on the picture or title to be taken to the main image page - this tells you the actual size of each image.
Parapluie Revel Poster by Leonetto Cappiello

Parapluie Revel Poster by Leonetto Cappiello


Ichikoku Bridge Poster by Hiroshige

Ichikoku Bridge Poster by Hiroshige


Pine Beach at Miho by Hiroshige

Pine Beach at Miho by Hiroshige


Birth of Venus Poster

NZ$29.95 Out of Stock

Northern Rata Botanical Poster - Canvas Vintage Wall Chart

Northern Rata Botanical Poster - Canvas Vintage Wall Chart

NZ$129.95 Last 1

NZ Botanical Poster - Fern Wall Chart

NZ Botanical Poster - Fern Wall Chart


NZ Botanical Poster - Canvas Wall Chart “Manuka”

NZ Botanical Poster - Canvas Wall Chart “Manuka”

NZ$129.95 Last 1

Mountain Climber Print by Ellen Giggenbach

Mountain Climber Print by Ellen Giggenbach


Skier on the Geo Mountain by Ellen Giggenbach

Skier on the Geo Mountain by Ellen Giggenbach


Snowboarder Art Print by Ellen Giggenbach

Snowboarder Art Print by Ellen Giggenbach


Tongariro Panorama Canvas Print by Diana Adams

Tongariro Panorama Canvas Print by Diana Adams


Otago Peninsula by Diana Adams

Otago Peninsula by Diana Adams


Meta Screenprint by Weston Frizzell

Meta Screenprint by Weston Frizzell


Blackback Gulls over Back Beach by Michael Smither

Blackback Gulls over Back Beach by Michael Smither


After the Rain by Ellen Giggenbach

After the Rain by Ellen Giggenbach


Sunrise Over the Lake by Ellen Giggenbach

Sunrise Over the Lake by Ellen Giggenbach


Mountain Biker Art Print by Ellen Giggenbach

Mountain Biker Art Print by Ellen Giggenbach


Good Dog Screenprint by Sam Mathers

Good Dog Screenprint by Sam Mathers


Milford by Graham Brinsley

NZ$99.95 Out of Stock

Life is Beautiful by Banksy

Life is Beautiful by Banksy


Colin Compared by Dick Frizzell

Colin Compared by Dick Frizzell
