Medium Size Prints

Medium Size Prints

Prints where the size of the image is bigger than a square foot but less than the space covered by six A4 sheets of paper. Actual dimensions are listed on the print details page (click on the title or picture).
Farm Scene by  Currier & Ives

Farm Scene by Currier & Ives


Express Train from the American West by Currier & Ives

Express Train from the American West by Currier & Ives

NZ$45.00 NZ$25.00 Sale

Zebegen by Victor Vasarely

Zebegen by Victor Vasarely


Vonal KSZ by Victor Vasarely

Vonal KSZ by Victor Vasarely


Vega-Kontosh by Victor Vasarely

Vega-Kontosh by Victor Vasarely


The White Dot by Wassily Kandinsky

The White Dot by Wassily Kandinsky


Head 3 by Alistair Nisbet-Smith

Head 3 by Alistair Nisbet-Smith


The Sun by Louis Rhead

The Sun by Louis Rhead


The Gap, South Head, Sydney by Edmund Thomas

The Gap, South Head, Sydney by Edmund Thomas


Sydney 1852 by George French Angas

Sydney 1852 by George French Angas


New Zealand Oranges by Michael Smither

New Zealand Oranges by Michael Smither

NZ$69.95 Last 50

Landscape by Suzanne Goldberg

Landscape by Suzanne Goldberg

NZ$49.95 Endangered

The Red Sail by Bill MacCormick

The Red Sail by Bill MacCormick


Kingston Flyer by Peter Beadle

Kingston Flyer by Peter Beadle
