Diana Adams Mount Cook Canvas Print

Diana Adams Mount Cook Canvas Print

Print Code: 8078_Canvas_Print


  • Product Details

Fine Art Canvas Print

Image size in millimetres: 1000 x 480

This popular print of Mount Cook (New Zealand's tallest mountain - also know as Aoraki or Aorangi) is by one of New Zealand's favourite contemporary painters, Diana Adams. Mt Cook by Adams is now available printed directly onto genuine artists' canvas using amazingly vibrant and extremely long life lightfast inks (it still available as a print on fine art paper as well). The price of $NZ214.95 shown here is for this large print on canvas ready to be delivered carefully rolled up in tissue in a very sturdy poster roll ($6 delivery NZ-wide or $NZ 20 anywhere in the world by Airmail).

We also deliver this genuine canvas print stretched onto a wooden stretcher frame with the canvas wrapping around the edge and ready to be hung in your home or office. The canvas has a black border so the image is not cropped when it is stretched. Stretched Mt Cook costs $244.95. We deliver any number of stretched canvas prints nationwide in extremely sturdy packaging for just $NZ 20 per order.

Please call us on 0800 800 278 to order this canvas print pre-stretched or if you would like to know more about this print, shipping times or anything else.... We are here to help!

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Canvas Prints
New Zealand Mountain Scenery